Toilet Cleaners and Descalers

We don't just stock toilet cleaning chemical products, we also offer a wide range of accessories such as gloves, brushes and urinal screens.

Our descalers are domestic as well as professional grade, from Clover Chemicals and HG Hagesan, though we also sell much-loved household cleaners including the Toilet Duck.

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£2.70 inc VAT
£9.59 inc VAT

Quattro Q-eco Rapid Descaler 750ml (single)

Product Code: QEWRD750ML/E

£4.43 inc VAT
£20.70 inc VAT

Quattro Q-eco Rapid Descaler 6x750ml

Product Code: QEWRD750ML

£19.90 inc VAT
£2.86 inc VAT
£9.12 inc VAT
£25.62 inc VAT
£3.35 inc VAT

Delphis Foaming Descaler RTU 700ml

Product Code: DES007

£7.14 inc VAT
£4.10 inc VAT
£49.62 inc VAT